About VSHA
The Vermont Speech-Language Hearing Association (VSHA) is a non-profit, professional association for speech-language pathologists and audiologists who practice in Vermont, and is the state-level affiliate of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). VSHA obtained 502 (c)(6) non-profit status in 1982.
VSHA provides opportunities for professional development and advocacy. VSHA is governed by volunteer board members from around the state of Vermont.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Vermont Speech-Language Hearing Association (VSHA) is to serve the needs of professionals who deal with communication disorders through:
professional development
Code of Ethics
All professional members of the Vermont Speech-Language Hearing Association (VSHA) are expected to observe the Code of Ethics established by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. All the principles and rules are considered essential in preserving the highest standard of professionalism. The full text of the Code of Ethics is available on the ASHA website.