Become a Member
Become a Member or Renew Your Membership
VSHA Membership runs the calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31)
Membership Benefits
VSHA strives to provide its members with useful benefits:
Information and advocacy related to state licensure and regulations
Lobbyist who monitors and assists legislative activities pertinent to VSHA
Email announcements regarding regional professional continuing education opportunities and/or events
Networking with other SLPs and audiologists through web-based and in-person formal and informal get-togethers
National Speech-Language-Hearing Month support and resources
VSHA sponsored continuing education conferences at reduced fees
VSHA board or committees provide opportunities for participation and leadership
Member only access to website wiki for archived VSHA information and documents
Free Life Membership (65 years of age + and fifteen consecutive years membership immediately prior to attaining the age of 65)
$50 for SLPs and Audiologists with Masters or Doctoral degree
$20 for Associate Membership (SLP-Assistant, Paraprofessional, Student, Bachelor's degree)
No Charge for SLP or AUD graduates for the remainder of their graduating year
$25 for SLP or AUD graduates for their first year following graduation
No Charge for Life Membership (65 years of age AND VSHA member for 15 consecutive years of previous 15)