Liaisons to ASHA
VSHA Liaisons to ASHA 2024-2026
There are 3 different types of Liaisons to ASHA. The people in these roles are appointed by the VSHA Executive Board:
State Advocate for Reimbursement (STAR)
Sierra Downs
State Advocate for Medicare Policy (StAMP)
Jessica McDonald
State Education Advocacy Leader (SEAL)
Mary Roosa
State Advocate for Medicare Policy (StAMP)
Jessica McDonald, CCC-SLP serves as VSHA’s Liaison to the State Advocate for Medicare Policy (StAMP). Please contact Jessica at if you have questions about a Medicare billing policy or a Medicare billing denial that does not align with your understanding of policy coverage.
What is the State Advocate for Medicare Policy (StAMP) Network?
The StAMP Network is comprised of volunteer representatives who are appointed by state associations to liaison with ASHA, the regional Medicare contractors, and state association members.
The StAMP representatives meet monthly via tele-conferencing to keep apprised on current Medicare policies, share regional issues, and receive education on billing and reimbursement policy. As they continue to serve in this important role, they are developing their expertise in order to relay information to the state association and act as a resource for members. They also share their local issues with ASHA and are often the first to identify an error in the Medicare system.
What does “StAMP” do for me?
Audiologists and speech-language pathologists feel the effects of Medicare payment—even if they do not provide services to Medicare beneficiaries. Congress passes laws and Medicare implements them with a trickle-down effect to other payers. ASHA engages with Medicare at the federal and the regional levels with assistance from the State Advocate for Medicare Policy (StAMP) Network.
State Education Advocacy Leader (SEAL)
The SEAL liaison facilitates information exchange between Vermont and ASHA on state education issues
Who is the SEAL Liaison for the VT Speech-Language Hearing Association?
Mary Roosa serves as VSHA’s State Education Advocacy Liaison. Please contact Mary at if you have questions about the VSHA regional meetings or state education issues.
State Advocate for Reimbursement (STAR)
The STAR liaison advocates with stakeholders on matters related to private healthcare plans and Medicaid reimbursement, and coverage for audiology and speech-language pathology services.
Who is the STAR Liaison for the VT Speech-Language Hearing Association?
Sierra Downs, CCC-SLP serves as VSHA’s State Advocate for Reimbursement (STAR). Sierra is an SLP and private practice owner in Burlington specializing in voice and swallowing. Please contact Sierra at if you have questions about a Medicaid or private insurance payer reimbursement and/or coverage for services.
Source: The information on this page was adapted from the ASHA Exchange; January 2015: News & Resource for State Assn. Leaders