Movie Mixer: September 7, 2024

VSHA held a mixer on Saturday, September 7th in Stowe.  Participants met at Stowe Cider to mingle, have dinner, and enjoy a viewing of the film The Quietest Year at Spruce Peak Performing Arts.  This Vermont made film is about noise pollution and the toll it takes on individuals’ health along with the impact noise has on communities of Vermont.  A panel discussion with subject matter experts was included with the purchase of a ticket and led by the film’s director and producer, Karen Akins.

Discussion panelists were passionate about the topic of noise and included a Bose engineer (Dan Gauger), founder and executive director of Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (Les Bloomberg), acoustician (Ethan Bourdeau), retired air force colonel and former chair of S. Burlington Council (Rosanne Greco), and Vermont-based pediatric neurologist (Dr. Peter Bingham).

As always, the mixer was a great networking opportunity and fun was had by all.




Did you know? ASHA CEUs vs. PDHs